PPE Hazard Assessment sample for Facilities Operation. Download a copy and edit per your specific requirements.
Operation examples include:
- Aerial Lift
- Battery Charging
- Calibration: Equipment
- Calibration: Gas Monitors
- Chain Saw
- Cleaning: Boilers
- Cleaning: Parts Cleaning with Solvents
- Cleaning and Maintenance on Scrubbers, Cooling Towers
- Compressed Air
- Compressed Gases: Handling, Dispensing
- Confined Space: Non-Permit and Permit
- Confined Space Rescue
- Construction and Demolition
- Crane
- Cutting: Arc (Heavy)
- Cutting: Shields Grinding, Stamping Keys
- Cutting: Oxygen
- Cutting: Plasma Arc
- Doorways, within 6 Feet of an Unprotected Edge
- Drill Press
- Electrical Work (Live): < 240V, 240V to 600V, > 600V
- Equipment Maintenance: Lasers
- Forklift Operation
- Hand Tools: Non-Powered and Powered
- HVAC Service
- Installation: Pushing/Pulling Wire through Conduit
- Maintenance of Equipment (LOTO)
- Material Handling (Sheet Metal, Pipes, Rods, etc.)
- Painting
- Pesticides: Mixing and Applying
- Roof Work, within 6 Feet of Unprotected Edge
- Scissor Lift
- Sewer System: Cleaning/Repair Toilets, Plumbing Sewer Lines
- Soldering
- Torch: Brazing, Soldering
- Welding: Arc Carbon, Carbon Arc, Gas, Gas Metal Arc, Flux Cored Arc, Gas Tungsten Arc, Plasma Arc, Shielded Metal Arc
- Woodworking (Table Saws, Bandsaws, Miter Saws, etc.)
- Wastewater Treatment Operations: General Servicing and PM
Hazards and Required PPE identified inside the full assessment.