31-00 Personal Protective Equipment – Prescription Safety Glasses (ROI)


Use the Presentation template to justify the need to implement Prescription Safety Glasses to convey the importance of compliance and return on investment to Senior Management.  Customize your ideas and points to deliver a power message to your organization.


Personal Protective Equipment – Prescription Safety Glasses (Return on Investment) Presentation for General Industry.  Download a copy and edit per your specific requirements.

Outline of the presentation:

  1. Agenda
  2. Cal-OSHA Eye Protection Requirements, Title 8 CCR 3382(a)
  3. Eye Survey
  4. Top 5 Eye Hazards per Survey
  5. Eye Hazard Summary by Location
  6. Eye Injuries (Recordable)
  7. Eye Injuries (First Aid)
  8. Cal-OSHA Eye Protection Requirements with Prescription Lenses, Title 8 CCR 3382(1)
  9. Regular Safety Eyewear (Animation)
  10. Prescription Safety Glasses (Animation)
  11. Estimated Cost of Rx Safety Glasses
  12. Workers Compensation Claim Net Incurred Cost
  13. Estimated Cost of Rx Safety Glasses
  14. Profitability Analysis of Rx Safety Glasses
  15. Questions and Answers
  16. Data Collection by Location
  17. Data Collection by Job Function